Supporting Families of Gender Diverse Youth Panel
Date & Time
Saturday, March 11, 2023, 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Kate Bishop

Research has shown what gender diverse community members have always known, that families and caregivers play a critical role in wellbeing and lifelong health for gender expansive young people. Family acceptance and support can be an enormous asset to a youth who is struggling; likewise, family rejection can have devastating effects in physical and emotional health, future orientation, risk behaviors, and resilience. Learn more about the evidence that strong family support in adolescence matters for a happy and healthy LGBTQ adulthood, as well as intervention strategies and tips for working with rejecting families.

Learning Objectives:

-- Observe the lived experiences of gender diverse youth and their caregivers.

-- Clarify which parental behaviors may be received as rejecting, accepting, and embracing.

-- Develop a toolbox of intervention techniques and resources for families struggling to support the gender expansive young person in their lives.

Session Type
Virtual Session Link