Frequently Asked Questions

Is this course open to people who aren't employees of Chase Brexton?

Yes, most definitely! While our courses are largely attended by employees of Chase Brexton, they are open to all who want to enhance their knowledge about the LGBTQ community and their unique healthcare needs and challenges.


As a Chase Brexton employee, do I have to pay for this course?

As part of our commitment to advancing health equity and provider knowledge, the Center for LGBTQ Health Equity waives the course registration fee for employees who are within their first 90 days. Please speak to your supervisor for the code to waive the cost when you register.

Employees outside of their first 90 days can register for trainings at a discounted rate and then submit the cost of the training for reimbursement from their department's CE budget. Please consult policy "HR-016.4 - Professional Development" or your supervisor for more information on Chase Brexton's training reimbursement process.


Will I receive the slide deck after this training is completed?

Because the nature of LGBTQ care and the climate in which it is performed is constantly evolving, we do not offer our slide decks for download at this time.


When do I get my certificate of completion or continuing education credits?

You will receive your certificate within 10 business days of completing the course post-test and evaluation. These are mandatory steps in our accrediting process that must be completed for your training to be considered "complete" by the accrediting bodies we work with.


How do I access the training?

You can access the training from the event hub page. You will also receive an automated email prior to the event that links you to the event hub.


What other trainings do you offer?

The Center for LGBTQ Health Equity offers a variety of training courses for medical professionals across several important topics. You can view the full slate of currently available trainings on Chase Brexton's website. If your organization would like to schedule a training session for a large group or receive a more specialized training, please email


What if I have a question that isn't answered here?

Please reach out via email to, and we will help answer your questions.

Thank you for your commitment to advancing health equity for LGBTQ+ patients,
and we hope we will see you in one of our trainings soon!